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Photo of Milton Arnoldo Pocasangre El Salvador

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Milton Arnold Pocasangre Velasco, born in San Isidro Cabañas El Salvador, October 1, 1970

1st. place competition sponsored by Graphic Design TELECOM 2001
1st. place national painting competition with the work PRESENCE FAR
1998 Cojutepeque City
YOUNG TALENT OF THE YEAR Award 1997 given by Gallery 91
together with the Embassy of Nicaragua 1997
1st. place national painting...

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Milton Arnold Pocasangre Velasco, born in San Isidro Cabañas El Salvador, October 1, 1970

1st. place competition sponsored by Graphic Design TELECOM 2001
1st. place national painting competition with the work PRESENCE FAR
1998 Cojutepeque City
YOUNG TALENT OF THE YEAR Award 1997 given by Gallery 91
together with the Embassy of Nicaragua 1997
1st. place national painting competition with the work DEPLETION, Zacatecoluca 1996
1st. national competition instead of painting and drawing with the work
LAKE VIEW, 1995 Cojutepeque
1st. national competition instead of painting and drawing with the work
1st. place national painting competition with the work
DAILY OCCURRENCE, San Vicente 1994
2nd. place in the national competition of painting and drawing with the work
BARRIO conducted in 2001 Cojutepeque
2nd. place in the competition National painting and drawing with the work
SROs conducted in 1999 Cojutepeque
2nd. place in the national competition of painting and drawing with the work
OUTSIDE, Zacatecoluca 1995
2nd. place in the national competition of painting and drawing with the work
DREAMS OF AN ECOLOGICAL, Zacatecoluca 1993
2nd. honorable mention in the Young Painters Competition II Bancasa 1996
NOTE: It should be noted that in 1997 I was appointed YOUNG TALENT OF THE YEAR
and that in October 1998 was chosen to represent El Salvador in
FIRST LATIN AMERICAN FINE ART SHOW held at the Hotel Meyfer of Miami.
2nd. place in the national competition deafiche BOOK FAIR International Fair 1997
2nd. place in the national poster contest commemorating the Day
WORLD ENVIRONMENT, University of El Salvador

Group exhibition, Gallery National Exhibition
1987, 1988 y1989
Group exhibition, National Theatre lobby 1993.
Group exhibition, House of Culture
San Esteban Catarina 1993.
Lobby group exhibition of the National Theater 1994.
Group exhibition, Casa de San Pedro Nonualco culture 1994.
Group exhibition house of culture Santiago Nonualco1994.
Group exhibition Art Night Siman 1994.
Artists Collective Exhibition of Peace Maya Country Club 1994.
Group exhibition. Nac Theatre (special guest group
Salvadoran Women Painters
Group exhibition, National Theatre 1995 CRITERIA
CRITERIA II ASTAC collective Exposició 1995.
Group exhibition, Art Fair 1996 Metro Center.
Group exhibition, 1996 European Community Young Painters.
Calectiva exposure, Noche de Arte Hotel Presidente 1995.
Collective Eposición, II Noche de Arte Hotel Presidente 1996.
Eposición collective FUMPRES 1995
Group exhibition, III Art Fair 1997 galleries step
Group exhibition, Metrocentro 8th. 1997 stage
Group exhibition, ART GARDEN plans Renderos 1996.
Group exhibition, constancy YOUNG PAINTING 1996.
Group exhibition, Italian Assistance 1997.
Group exhibition, young people appreciate the house, galleries step 1997.
Group exhibition, III NIGHT WINE AND CHEESE Hotel E ISalvador 1997.
Group exhibition, Gallery Studio YOUNG PAINTING 1997.
MIAMI collective exhibition in the Hotel MEIF in
Ground Coconut representing El Salvador in the first
Latin American Fine Arts Night 1998.
Cultural Heritage Board Pro 1999.
FINE ART group exhibition SALVADORAN lake hotel
1999 Coatepeque Lake Coatepeque hotel.
Group exhibition FAIR EL SALVADOR 1999.
UNICEF group exhibition Hotel Camino Real 1999.
Group exhibition EUROPEAN ACADEMY 1999.
Group exhibition of 50 years of painting in El Salvador 2000
Bienal de Arte Paiz 1st 2000
Exhibition "Painters Salvadorans" Kove Art Museum, Japan 2002 Kyoto city.
Night group exhibition of art, Gallery Saravia 2005.
Collective Exhibition - Face-Alliance Française 2005.
Group exhibition "2nd Meeting 2005 Hotel Tropico doctor Inn "

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